Music in Our Schools Month

March is Music in Our Schools Month

'Music in Our Schools 2025'

DoDEA celebrates Music in Our Schools Month (MIOSM) in March. The purpose of recognizing MIOSM in DoDEA is to highlight and advocate for music programs in our schools.

The Importance of Music

Music is an important component in a child's education which is considered vital to providing a complete and well-rounded education. Researchers found that musical training plays a significant role in behavioral and neural childhood development and academic achievement. Additionally, music education naturally incorporates a learning framework which fulfills the DoDEA Blueprint Strategic Initiative. Music also provides a necessary outlet for the artistic expression of our students. By supporting our music teachers and programs, DoDEA will provide our students with a well-rounded education, authentic experiences in the arts, and opportunities in support of college and career readiness.

Music Programs in DoDEA

DoDEA provides musical instruction across all grade levels and intersects with a variety of subjects. Students are introduced to general music classes in elementary school where they explore basic ideas such as pitch, rhythm, and volume to more complex ideas, such as music history, music theory, and musical expression. Once students enter middle school, their course selection expands significantly. Students can take piano and guitar classes where they focus on solo performance. Students may also take a large ensemble course—band, choir, and string orchestra—and learn to perform as a team in a large group. Students may also take music appreciation and learn more about music's historical and cultural significance. Once in high school, students with large ensemble experience will learn and perform more advanced repertoire. Students will also have access to additional music classes such as computer music, AP music theory, alternative ensembles, and jazz band.

Music in Our Schools Month History

Music in Our Schools Month started as a single state-wide advocacy day in New York on March 14, 1973. Over the years, it grew to become the month-long celebration of school music in 1985 as teachers asked for more preparation time to display their students.

Although music is celebrated in schools nationwide every day, MIOSM is used “to call attention to music education and what music teachers are doing.” It is also an opportunity to help school stakeholders to realize that music “is an important and basic part of the school curriculum.”


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